Publisher: MIRA Ink
Publication date: May 2nd 2014
My rating: 3 stars

VENGEANCE WILL BE HERS Allison Sekemoto once struggled with the question: human or monster? With the death of her love, Zeke, she has her answer. MONSTER Allie will embrace her cold vampire side to hunt down and end Sarren, the psychopathic vampire who murdered Zeke. But the trail is bloody and long, and Sarren has left many surprises for Allie and her companions—her creator, Kanin, and her blood brother, Jackal. The trail is leading straight to the one place they must protect at any cost—the last vampire-free zone on Earth, Eden. And Sarren has one final, brutal shock in store for Allie. In a ruined world where no life is sacred and former allies can turn on you in one heartbeat, Allie will face her darkest days. And if she succeeds, triumph is short-lived in the face of surviving forever alone.
The Forever Song was one of my highly anticipated reads this year, with the way things had ended in The Eternity Cure with my heart in my throat, I was anticipating more of the same in The Forever Song and whereas I did enjoy The Forever Song, for me this was the weakest book in the series.
One of the biggest let downs for me was the characters, the characters that we got to know and love in the previous two books really had changed dramatically. Allison was a much more defeated character, yes I understand that she had every right to be, but she was at times totally reckless, with Jackal and Kanin continually having to rein her in. And the progress she had made in not believing she was a monster anymore really had been lost; she’d receded back to a person that I really didn’t like. I wanted the feisty Allison back, the one who could keep her hunger in check, but also kickass when necessary. In contrast, Jackal and Kanin totally made this book for me, Jackal was once again the wind up merchant we knew and because of his constant grating comments, he did at times bring out Allison from the constant dwelling she found herself in. I adored the banter Allison and Jackal shared on their journey; they really did come along way, actually at times behaving like brother and sister. Jackal also surprised me in many ways, he really was a character who changed dramatically from the character we were introduced to in The Immortal Rules, and I truly did hate his guts then. But I don’t know if it was spending time around Kanin and Allison, but he really did show a whole another side to him at times, one I really didn’t expect to see (highlight to view spoiler)
Kanin once again was the enigmatic character that we have become to know, we never really knew what he was thinking or feeling, with this shroud of mystery always around him. But this just made me want to know him that little bit more. I liked watching the family dynamics between him, Allison and Jackal and how he had to step in between the bickering vampires, but I also liked how wise he was. On their journey despite Sarren’s numerous attempts to set them off their way or get caught up in his traps, Kanin would always find a way out, or be suspicious about what was going on. Yes they did sometimes find themselves in a sticky situation, but that was mainly because Sarren was just so messed up and always ahead in the game. But honestly Kanin is one of the best vampires that I ever come across, if I was ever turned into a vampire, I wouldn’t want anyone but Kanin to be my sire and teach me the way of the world.
The chase of Sarren and attempting to stop him from reigning chaos was one I enjoyed, like I said Sarren was really clever in out witting Jackal, Allison, and even Kanin. His numerous obstacles that he threw their way did have me thinking at times that he would succeed in his end goal, and he did go to such extreme lengths to actually hurt these vampires individually. Despite me enjoying this chase, I did feel at times that it went on for so long (highlight to view spoiler)
I didn’t want my review to come across as a rant, as it really isn’t, as I mentioned there were parts which I really loved (highlight to view spoiler)
That's a fancy cover edition! :)
Funny, I've seen more people that found this one the weakest of the series, which was the second book for me. I liked Allie's behavior, because it made her so realistic to me. She is just a new vampire who lost someone she loves, I didn't find it strange she was a little rash.
Jackal was also my absolute favorite, especially with those surprising moments! I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as I did :)
WHAT IN THE WORLD JAS? Review something I can actually read lol :D I have read very few reviews for this book and rather skimmingly, because I haven't read book #2 yet so yeah :D not going to read your full review, I am so bewildered by the fact that people love Jackal. I HATE that dude lol :D I'm sorry you felt like the characters changed a lot, but what can you do. Anyhow, glad you love this series so much and I'm sorry this wasn't the ending you were hoping for.
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy this one as much as I did, Jasprit. I actually loved it and gave it 5 stars.
It's interesting to see how everyone reacted to the changes in the characters, especially Allie. I honestly thought it was realistic given her situation and I also did like how she didn't give up on her life and that she continued to move on, albeit slowly. Jackal though was a riot! I absolutely loved him and I hope we get his story someday.
Great review, Jasprit.
This one's definitely my least favorite of the series. I agree with basically everything you said: Jackal was awesome, Kanin was great, Allie lacked in the bad-ass department, and all the things in the spoilers. I'm still interested in more books by this author though. Lovely review!
Aimee @ Deadly Darlings
Oh gosh, I just read a spoiler in the blurb O_____O NO WAY ZEKE DIES IN THE SECOND BOOK?!? NOOOOOOOO!
Since I was uber scared of reading more spoilers I skimmed through your's a pity this was the weakest in the series for you :( The ending doesn't sound very satisfying to me...but it seems like a lot has happened since the end of the first book and I'm definitely interested in finding out so I'll hopefully read the second and third books soon! I'll be back to read that spoiler when I'm done with the series :D
I'm worried about how I'll react to Allison in this one Jasprit. I've loved her all along and so admired the effort she put in to not being a monster, so I know it will be hard for me to see that side of her slip away a bit. Glad Jackal and Kanin made the book for you though, they're always highlights for me as well and I can't wait for more of them:):)
I tried The Immortal Rules, but just couldn't get into it. I've seen a lot of happy reviews for The Forever Song, so it is interesting to find an alternate point of view. It's so frustrating when characters regress into behavior you thought they were past.
Thanks for the review, Jasprit!
it seems like it disappointed many persons. I understand your problem, and I thought this one was a little behind the others. I was a little sad about Kanin here as I though it was hidden by the other characters and Jackal was a little immature. But well, it was also a good end.
Aw, I'm so sorry sweetie that you did not love this book. But I'm glad you still enjoyed it :) I loved it, but I also understand what you say about the things you didn't love. I do agree. But I was able to overlook it, hih (A) Thank you for being honest and sharing. <3
YES! I completely agree with pretty much everything you said. It was one of those books where they're running-running-running and Sarin is always so far ahead of them. It was frustrating. As was Allison, who seemed to have lost her spunkiness (yes, I do understand why but still!). A decent ending but the other two books were so much better.
I'm so sad to see this book wasn't a complete hit for you. I ended up loving this book and being very satisfied with the series over all, but I completely sympathize with being underwhelmed by a final book you were expecting to love and ending the series with a bit of disappointment. I actually loved Allie through this book, and understood why she backtracked after she thought _ was gone. But I agree that the secondaries were so strong in this story. Jackal and Kanin are such wonderful characters. And I loved seeing how the romance played out too. Hope the next finale you read blows you away!
I totally agree about this one being the weakest in this series. I think that I have expected too much after the previous book which blew my mind. I'm glad you enjoyed this one overall. Great review, Jasprit :)
Sorry the book didn't live up to your expectations :(.
I'm ashamed to admit that this is the one, in not the only book I dnf when reading the 1st book in the series, because some of my favorite books got published and I had to leave everything else and read them and later somehow I lost interest/ forgot to read it, but I'm planning to remedy that soon.
It's rather strange because the many reviews I have seen for this book and The Blood of Eden series have been all positive. But for me this series really doesn't compare and that disappointed me as I didn't enjoy it. I don't know what it was but I didn't connect with the characters or her written style. But maybe I could get back into them in the future. Lovely review, Jasprit!
okay.. this is a bit disappointing. I didn't really enjoy The Eternity Cure, so to say this is the weakest, that scares me just a tiny bit. It's sad to see that the character's have drastically changed... I'm still going to give this book a try though. I really want to find out the ending. Great review!
- Farah @MajiBookshelf
Exactly. I loved the banter and them finally, well you know, but had other issues like her defeatedness at beginning
I haven't read this series yet, but I'm glad that - even if this wasn't your favorite book in the series - that it was still enjoyable for you. Thanks for sharing and, as always, brilliant review Jasprit! <3
~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf
oh no, I think dramatic change to characters would disappoint me as well :( it's alright, you were passionate about the series and it didn't end the way you expected to.
I only sort of skimmed your review because I've just received a copy of this and I'm really excited. But I'm really sorry to hear that you were disappointed :(
Allie and Jackals banter was my favorite part of this book. I will say I like it more than you. I found a few parts slow, but for the most part I enjoyed it immensely. Kagawa renewed my faith in the trilogy as I had lost some of it when I'd read a few others over the last year.
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