Publisher: Atria Books
Publication date: March 18th 2014
My rating: 2 stars

At twenty-two years old, aspiring musician Sydney Blake has a great life: She’s in college, working a steady job, in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter, and rooming with her good friend, Tori. But everything changes when she discovers Hunter cheating on her with Tori—and she is left trying to decide what to do next.
Sydney becomes captivated by her mysterious neighbor, Ridge Lawson. She can’t take her eyes off him or stop listening to the daily guitar playing he does out on his balcony. She can feel the harmony and vibrations in his music. And there’s something about Sydney that Ridge can’t ignore, either: He seems to have finally found his muse. When their inevitable encounter happens, they soon find themselves needing each other in more ways than one…
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover, a passionate tale of friendship, betrayal, and romance—and the enchanting music that inspires one young woman to put her life back together.
From the author of the New York Times bestsellers Slammed, Point of Retreat, Hopeless, This Girl, and Losing Hope, Maybe Someday is destined to become another bestseller and long-lasting fan favorite.
I don’t write a lot of negative reviews because it feels
like a waste of time to me, but I recently read a post by Brandi @Blkosiner's Book Blog that made me
have a different opinion. I want to say
upfront that I’m a huge fan of Colleen Hoover’s writing and I have loved every
one of her books up to this point. Yes, I hate cheating and love triangles in
books, and yes, I did know going into this that there would be a love
triangle. But I have read books that I
still loved even with a love triangle and cheating. I thought if anyone can
make me love a story with these controversial issues Colleen Hoover could do
it. I was wrong.
I’ll start with a non-spoilery portion but the second half
of my review will have spoilers. You’ll
have to highlight it to read, but be warned they give away major plot points. Beneath my review I’ll give some example of
books I loved in spite of the cheating they contained.
Ridge and Sydney live across the breezeway in the same
apartment complex and they become acquainted through love of music. Ridge goes out on the balcony and plays
beautiful songs and Sydney comes out and listens. She makes up her own lyrics since she doesn’t
hear Ridge singing and this doesn’t go unnoticed by him. He’s currently experiencing intense writers
block and so he cleverly asks Syd to share her writings. They form a connection and also an intense
attraction. When someone shares a love
for an interest you’re passionate about it’s like an instant bond! Unfortunately, neither one of them are unattached.
In the middle of all this, Sydney finds out that her
boyfriend has been cheating on her with her best friend who she lives with. When
things blow up, Ridge witnesses this and offers Sydney a place to stay, and
things become VERY complicated from here on out.
I will say that CoHo has a way with writing chemistry and
sexual tension that is off the charts, and some of the scenes between Syd and
Ridge made they’re longing come through loud and clear. I wanted them to be together! As the story
went on, though, I disliked Ridge more and more, and I felt pity and anger
toward Sydney for being so pathetic and weak.
I did hold Ridge more responsible and reprehensible in this story, because
Sydney did not have all the facts when she fell for Ridge, and she was in a
more emotionally vulnerable position after her breakup.
Bottom line: If
there is cheating in a story in order for me to still enjoy it, the author must make me sympathize with the
characters situation and understand it, thereby somehow excusing their actions
even if I don’t condone them. This did not happen for me. Instead I couldn’t
stand Ridge more and more as the story went on, he really treated Sydney and
Maggie horribly, IMO. By the end I felt
Sydney was second choice.
The only reason I rated this two stars instead of one is
because I liked the ending, mostly.
Now onto the spoiler section: (Must highlight to read)
I had major issues with how things carried on after Sydney
found out Ridge had a girlfriend. Instead of moving out Sydney stays and continues to take the humiliation
of Ridge coming onto her and then pulling back and saying how much he LOVES Maggie!
He treated Sydney like crap! When
Maggie finds out about them, Ridge has a fit and tells Sydney to “MOVE OUT NOW”. He basically put all the blame on her for
their situation! I was hurt and angry
for Sydney, but I also wanted to give her a good shake and say “Why are you
putting up with this?” “Don’t allow yourself to be treated this way!”
If Ridge was so IN LOVE with Maggie why does he continue to
put himself in situations with Syd that would make any girlfriend have a major
meltdown? I know I wouldn’t want my
boyfriend/husband lying on the chest of a girl to “hear” the lyrics and music
running through her. I would’ve had a problem with Sydney moving in
with Ridge in the first place, especially if I knew how much they had in
common. This was a major clue to the
fact that there were problems with Ridge and Maggie’s relationship and if that
was played up more, I may have been more sold on this.
Instead we had it drilled into us how devoted and in love
Ridge was with Maggie. Seriously, if that’s how he treats someone he’s in love
with that does not bode well for the future.
In the end Ridge didn’t man up and break things off with
Maggie. Instead Maggie makes an easy way out for him by refusing to take Ridge
back. However, if Ridge did break it off
with Maggie everyone would’ve cried foul because of her terminal illness, so basically
CoHo wrote an impossible situation because there was no winning either way. IMO Sydney was second choice. In fact, when Sydney asks if Ridge would go
back to Maggie if she came back HE SAYS YES!!! No, just no.
End of rant, end of review…
Cheating Books That Worked For Me:
(I won’t reveal if it
was emotional or physical cheating but there is some form of cheating in each
Why it worked: Basically there was one couple, Olivia and
Caleb who were meant to be together. They have a history and it’s messy,
love-gone-wrong in epic proportions. But
I ALWAYS wanted them together. Any other
connection I just wanted GONE!
Covet by Tracey
Why it worked: I really felt for this married couple Ms.
Graves did an outstanding job making each and every character relatable and
sympathetic. The unwise decisions made were understandable, even if they were
wrong, and in the end they each took responsibility for their actions, and
there was healing.
Why it worked: Same as The Love Me With Lies Series. One
couple meant to be, all others, go away please!
The difference in this series is this wasn’t really love-gone-wrong it
was more of outside-issues-have-screwed-us-over situation.
One Tiny Lie by
Why it worked: Livie was completely naïve and socially
inexperienced and I felt like a lot of the situation just sort of happened to
her. Ashton was in a relationship but it
wasn’t really by choice. Plus, the girlfriend was out of the picture for most of
the story so I never really felt any connection to her. I know that doesn’t
make it any less wrong it just didn’t bother me as much. Points to the author!
I liked Maybe Someday and as well as other Hoover books, but I really understand where you're coming from. I sort of hated Sydney for being so weak when it comes to Ridge and Ridge for being selfish sometimes :( Maybe the reason that I liked it on the other hand is because of the strong emotions that the book exudes and the way those emotions from the characters affected me. I really don't like books that has cheating on the plot, especially (anna and the french kissed, the vincent boys etc.). Maybe there are a few exception, but it is still a topic I avoid to explore. ;)
Great thought-provoking post, Rachel! :)
Ok, so I did not read your review. What's new, seriously? *sigh* I need to read this book asap and then I can read all the reviews. LOLs. I still haven't read Dirty Red and Thief but I SO NEED TO. Caleb and Olivia foevahhh. Yeah, I've heard that you really sympathize in Covet. Andrea loved that one as well. Can't wait to read Archetype after you and Lauren raving about this. Oh, man. OTL was one that did not work for me. It wasn't a choice on his part, but it was a fucking choice on Livie's part when she decided not to beak up with Ashton's best friend and did all those things with Ashton. She broke a friendship and she knew that she didn't like the other guy, she knew ALL those things and she still did it. I don't care that Ashton had his reasons for keeping the facade or whatever, but what Livie did was fucking wrong and I do not appreciate that even if I was rooting for them. I loved their romance, but it was still wrong on so many levels and that just makes me angry. Sorry. Not your fault :D
Forget cheating books, I have absolutely zero luck when it comes to Colleen Hoover. I haven't read enough cheating books to tell whether they'd still be able to work for me despite that aspect, but your rule of thumb - the author needs to enable the reader to sympathize with the situation - makes a lot of sense to me and it's a shame that this aspect of the story affected your enjoyment of the novel as much as it did. I hope your next read - and definitely your next Hoover read - are far better, Rachel!
I'm sorry this book was such a dud for you, Rachel. I understand your points and see where you're coming from. I hope the next CoHo book is a better one for you! Thanks for your honesty - we won't all love the same books and it's refreshing to see other opinions! Love your reviews, as always!
Ugh. Dies. I am SO glad that I haven't wanted to read this book, hih. But omg. I'm so sorry that this book was so awful. But then again, I'm not. I'm glad you didn't like it :p Because the way you describe it, it sounds awful. And just bad. Ugh. Yeah. I would never ever read this book. First, love triangles are the worst thing in the world. And cheating is just as bad. And then you mention how stupid the main character is being. Ugh. Yeah. This is not a book for me. But thank you so so much for sharing and for being honest. <3
I do NOT like cheating books because I generally feel like we should put the cheater's head on a pike (maybe this is latent Game of Thrones bloodthirstiness but I can't help it). And this is a DOUBLE cheating book!!
I am at a push and pull situation whether I should read this book right now. Some bloggers are crazy about this book but I'm pretty big about the cheating.. And I read your spoiler rant (can't help it) and I'm afraid I might feel the same way. Maybe it depends on how Colleen would make me feel with the emotions other than the cheating part. She managed to make me read and like Slammed which is about teacher/student relationship (something I'm not comfortable reading) so if I end up liking this book, it will not come as a surprise.
But I agree with you.. If the character ends up doing something wrong, I'd love to sympathize with her so it's easier for me to accept what she's done.
I'm a fan of Colleen Hoover's books especially, The Slammed series. I super enjoyed those when I read your reviews of them last year. I have couple of others on my kindle that I haven't gotten around too yet. I haven't really read my share of 'cheating' books but for me there really isn't a HEA after to them or its just one emotional and ranting book. But I know where your coming from Rachel. Great review, Rachel! :)
I know we've already discussed your feelings for this book on GR, Rachel, but your review just made me so much more disappointed despite not having read the book.
Ridge sounds like a complete asshole with the way he treats Sydney. I can't say I have much respect for Sydney either because she puts up with all of his crap.
It's such a shame that a Colleen Hoover book brings out anger instead of warm happy feelings. I'm glad I read your thoughts before I tried the book.
I'm personally not a fan of cheating in books at all. It's difficult for me to understand this and it just makes me angry.
Great review, Rachel!
Cheating in books is pretty much always the kiss of death for me. I've yet to read a book where it's at ALL justified, or there is any merit to their madness. I think it's one of the lowest things a person can do, and I tend not to be able to find any joy in their character after the fact. I really do appreciate your honest take on this one, Rachel! :)
As you know, my thoughts on this one are pretty much the same as yours. It's funny though - I haven't come across anyone else who feels the same way about this book as we do and I don't really get it! I just couldn't with Ridge....
This was my first CH and I can't say I was overly impressed, but everyone keeps telling me to check out Hopeless so maybe I'll give that a go!
Awww I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this book as much as you expected to! I'm not a fan of cheating books either, but like you, if I can sympathize with the characters and relate to them, I'll like it. One example of a book I love with cheating is The Sky Is Everywhere. In that book, she had just lost her sister (not a spoiler don't worry) and was in emotional turmoil so I could understand that she was going through a lot. But this book does not sound like my type of read at all, and I can see why you gave it 2 stars. Great review!
I don't enjoy Colleen Hoover's stories in general, so I was never going to give this one a chance. I really don't like cheating in story lines at all and it sounds as though this would be a very infuriating book to read.
Aw, thanks for shoutout and I really think this is well done. cheating is so hard, because it hurts. I know that it happens in real life, and that makes it great writing material. Sometimes I just can't deal though.
Yeah I completely agree with your bottom line on cheating. I have read books where it has worked for me and of course none come to mind right now... but it really does need to be handled in a way that makes you connect with the story.
Ugh. I hate books that has romantizes cheating. It's such a lose-lose situation, and I can't imagine what victims of unfaithfulness go through, and I honestly don't feel like reading books that have them. It's hard on me because my mom has had an affair, and knowing that as her child was difficult >.> Not reading this unfortunately :/
Faye at The Social Potato Reviews
I LOVE THIS POST! I'm sorry I missed it before. And I have really fond memories of reading and ranting about this with you, even though the book still gives me a headache. I agree completely with this. I mean, Sydney was sharing a bathroom with Ridge! That is so intimate IMO. You're absolutely right that she should have moved out ASAP - and made some different friends than a guy with a girlfriend. They were in so many situations that just shouldn't have happened. And he was only angry that Maggie found out about the Sydney situation, he never really seemed to get that what he was doing was WRONG. It makes me ANGRY to think about still. You're right, Ridge never makes a decision. Maggie's the one who mans up and sees things clearly. Sydney, I feel sorry for you. But I hope for your sake, you're happy.
I love your list of cheating books that worked. I agree with Archetype/Prototype, though I'm still annoyed at Noah's behavior towards the doctor he was dating. I've forgotten her name, but he should have ended it sooner. However, it was always about Noah/Emma, though circumstances pulled them a part. I'm still not sure I can stand Love Me with Lies, but I'm intrigued by those and may binge read sometime. One Tiny Lie did NOT work for me. I didn't like that guy either, or the psychologist who told Livie to party like a drunk college girl. But I agree that sometimes situations like that work, but mostly they don't, and they didn't at all for me in Maybe, Someday.
So it didn't work out for you. Phew! Originally, I always hate 'cheating' books and I loathe them (totally understand your reasons), so when I read Maybe Someday I was pretty surprised that I didn't hate it, I enjoyed it even... (How come?) Then I asked myself if there was something wrong with my mind. Ha!
Thanks for including the ones that worked out for you, Rachel! I've been wanting to read Covet (loved the author's On The Island!) but was worried about the 'cheating' aspect.
I'm so sorry this didn't work for you, Rachel. To be honest, the part where Ridge was trying to convince Maggie of quitting life and just shack up with him infuriated me so. I also skimmed the parts where he professed his love for her, and where his loyalty was highlighted. In the end though, I find this book likeable. It's not up there with Slammed, but I liked it anyway.
I'm still not sure why One Tiny Lie worked for me, Siiri. Lol! But I definitely can understand why it didn't for you. :)
Thank you, Brandie. I know you really loved the story, and I happy that you enjoyed it! :)
I think there's more out there than you think, Leanna. :)
Oh bummer, Heidi! I hate it when a main character ticks me off! It's really hard for me to enjoy a story when I hate the MC. :(
I had a great time reading it with you, too, Lauren! It made it bearable! Also, enjoyed you holding my hand through Archetype & Prototype! Yes Noah, ticked me off with Sonya, but she really deserved that treatment, IMO. The way she treated Emma when she came back was one of the reasons she left in book one! Still HATE Sonya! :)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who was completely irritated by the way they acted! So before reading this, I saw 5 star reviews practically thrown everywhere, so of course I had to check it out for myself. In general, no matter how awesome the authors are, cheating never works for me. I don't care if maybe you're about to die and really want to be with someone but haven't broken up with your partner. It's just wrong. I might have to check out the books on your list and see if they change my mind! Lovely post, Rachel.
oh no seriously that sucks :( but I understand, have a hard time with cheating books myself and only a few really work for me.
Oh man, the parts in your spoiler sound like a melodramatic mess. I can see why you were annoyed, Rachel, and I know you don't get annoyed easily. Cheating's hard for me in books too, but I can sometimes accept it when the circumstances are right, as in the way you described it--if the author shows you the characters' emotional mindset, etc. Doesn't sound like that happened here at all--it actually sounds pretty sloppy and crass I'm sorry you were disappointed, I remember how much you liked her first book.
Wendy @ The Midnight Garden
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