Publisher: Michael Joseph (UK)
Publication Date: January 5th 2012
My rating: 5 stars

Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick. What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane. Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he's going to put a stop to that. What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of colour. And neither of them knows they're going to change the other for all time.
I don’t know why I waited this long to pick up a book by Moyes, but after the night I had finishing this book I am literally kicking myself for not doing it sooner. Even today getting up and going to work when all I had was this book on my brain, it was full of heartbreak and hope and I just want to go back and get lost within the beautiful passages without having to read the last few pages.
Lou sort of fell into Will’s life when she was least
expecting to, after losing her job that she’d had for the last few years, she
ends up as a carer for Will whose a quadriplegic.
Will’s been battling on for two years now, he’s had his up and down days and
honestly I was expecting him to have given up completely. But underneath all
the battle wounds was a witty, sarcastic handsome man that I grew to love. Yes
he could have his snappish out bursts, with what Will’s going through you
wouldn’t expect anything less, but Lou took his mood swings in her stride and
actually ended up forming one of the best relationships I have ever
experienced. I loved watching Will open up to Lou, before he wouldn’t
acknowledge her some days, but I loved the banter that began to grow between
them and how they could say stuff to each other without getting offended. Lou
not coming from the greatest background was barely scraping by, so Will being
Will encouraged Lou to go for those chances and to experience life. Being a
successful busy man before his accident, Will went all out to experience
everything he could. So watching him trying to push Lou forward and grab hold
of everything she could broke my heart.
Will being the successful guy he once was, his stubbornness
still came through and this is where Lou found her back against the wall, she
had six months to change Will’s mind and I had everything crossed that she
would finally be able to do it. You know when you have a feeling in your gut
that things are going to go that way that you don’t want them to, that was me,
I had that horrid sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, but which I tried
to push back, put a smile on my face like Lou often did for Will and just try
to enjoy the time we had left.
These six months for Will and Lou had many ups and downs,
not only were they facing a really critical decision, but stuff around them also
seemed to be coming around them; Will’s ex announcing her engagement, Lou’s dad
losing her job and marathon man being a nuisance as usual! But I loved all the
escapades Lou would come up with, all the planning she would go to, to get Will
out of the house and to make the most of it. There were many bitter sweet
moments, but moments which also made me have this big grin on my face. I liked
how Lou would attempt to whittle away at Will’s stubbornness and get him to try
new things. In these six months I think Will and Lou got to know each other
more than they had with anyone else. I became to adore Will’s sweet gestures,
his witty sense of humour and his continual nagging at Lou to experience Life, it
was something that I really wanted Lou to do too, but with Will by her side.
Me Before You was one of the most beautifully written reads,
I know that this will be a book that I will come back to time and time again
just to experience Will and Lou’s incredible story. I normally gravitate to
books which leave you emotionally overwhelmed and tend to stamp all over your
heart. But Me Before You was just whole another step up from what I was
expecting, I was a sobbing mess until I finally turned the last page. I don’t
think my review could ever live up to what a wonderful book this was, Lou and
Will be two characters that I won’t be forgetting for a long time to come.
I totally agree with your review, i am not a person who usually cry but his book made me have a lot feelings
It's an amazing, beautiful and theheartbreaking book i read in the last year
Love both character the strong they are, the realistic and how Lou grow up, with Will advice
I have to admit, I haven't read anything by Moyes, though I have been tempted. Guess I need to get on the stick! Will and Lou sound like a sweet couple.
I haven't read anything by Jojo Moyes before, Jasprit, but review is making me want to pick up something by this author asap. This book sounds like it was an emotional roller coaster and I love the sound of the characters. I'll have to check this out for sure.
Lovely review!
Okay, it says you were a sobbing messing UNTIL you turned the last page, so should I assume this ends happily? PLEASE LET IT END HAPPILY JASPRIT! I can handle tears and being emotionally eviscerated as long as there's a HEA at the end. I need to know these types of things going in, I can't read them otherwise ;-)
Aw, hugs. <3 Gorgeous review Jasprit. I'm so glad you loved this book :D I haven't really heard much about it, but you make it sound all kinds of awesome. Sigh. I might read it one day, I hope. <3 The cover is pretty gorgeous too ;) Thank you for sharing about this book sweetie. <3
i completely agree with you.. i was left a horrible sobbing mess and couldn't stop thinking about this book for WEEKS! great review
- Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf
Aw, this sounds completely splendid and heartwarming. I always love reading stories where someone comes into another person's life and changes the way they see the world. Will sounds like a real tough man to crack, but I'm glad that Lou somehow softens him up and makes life more fulfilling. I'll definitely check this out. Your being a sobbing mess in the end worries me a bit, though ;)
Faye at The Social Potato
This sounds lovely and I haven't read this author before. I will have to try this even though it will leave me emotional wrecked! I will have to read it in the sunshine.
Im so glad you loved this book! It A. ruined my life and B. is one of my favorite books ever! <3 Bee @ Bee Reads Books
OMG. Didn't this book just...break your heart? I love this book to pieces. I'm glad you loved it too! Now you must read The Girl You Left Behind. Like, NOW.
Ugh my whole reply just deleted. I totally agree, this is the book i recommend most to people & I believe was my first Moyes read, I bought up all or most of her work after reading it.
I am on it Joy, will hopefully be getting a copy soon!
I read this way back when it first came out and even now years later it still holds a very special place in my heart. I just read a YA book that reminded me of this called The Last Leaves Falling you might enjoy that one too :)
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