Publisher: Kensington
Publication date: November 26th 2013
My rating: 3 stars

No one hates Paris--except Summer Corey. The moody winters. The artists and their ennui. The inescapable shadow of the Tour Eiffel. But things go from bad to worse when Summer stumbles into brooding, gorgeous chef pâtissier Luc Leroi and indecently propositions the hero of French cuisine...
Luc has scrambled up from a childhood panhandling in the Paris Métro to become the king of his city, and he has no patience for this spoiled princess, even if she does now own his restaurant. Who cares if she smiles with all the warmth of July? She doesn't eat dessert!
There is only one way to tempt her. A perfect, impossibly sweet seduction...
I’m addicted to Laura Florand’s Chocolate series. Her
beautiful prose and descriptions of fine chocolate, food (mostly desserts!) and
of Paris, a city so enchanting which comes through beautifully in her
stories. But most of all it’s her
crafting of romances that has completely won me over. With that said The
Chocolate Heart was a bit difficult for me.
Summer Corey is back in her personal hell: Paris. Paris is
where her parents dumped her off in boarding school when she became too old to
cart around the globe for whatever business deal or entertainment that consumed
them. Summer spent the last four years
living simply and teaching children on a small island away from most
civilization. She’s back in Paris coerced
by her father’s promise to provide satellite communications to the island if
she agreed to manage the hotel he bought her for three months. Putting aside her past, Summer agrees for the
good of the island people she has come to love.
Luc Leroi has worked his way up from a life of performing
and basically begging for money with his father in the metros of Paris as a
young boy. At the age of ten social services puts Luc into foster care, and
under the strict tutelage of his foster father and chef, Bernard. From Bernard he learned strict control was
the key to success in life and profession.
Luc has since become one of the most sought after chefs in Paris and has
brought the hotel where he currently works its crowning glory: three Michelin
stars. The hotel that Summer is now
currently owner. Upon first meeting
Summer, he’s immediately attracted to her, but she inadvertently insults him
making for a very rocky start between
these two.
Both Summer and Luc were starved for love growing up. Luc had it in cycles of love and then abuse
from his real father. After he was put into foster care, Luc was provided for
physically and no longer subjected to abuse, but his upbringing didn’t include
affection. Summer was starved of love, affection, and attention by her
parents. They would cart her along to
all their luxury hotels, but always with a nanny, freeing them up to do
whatever they wished without the annoyance of a child.
My heart went out to both Luc and Summer and you can see why
they have so many shields up, but this didn’t make for a happy read for a good
portion of the story. There were misunderstandings and miscommunications putting
Summer and Luc at each other’s throats for about 60% of the book. I was getting
extremely frustrated with the back and forth which was largely Summer’s fault,
in my opinion. I seriously wanted to
pull my hair out! I knew the reasons behind Summer’s behavior but Luc didn’t,
and she really did come off as a spoiled brat if you didn’t know her
motivations. To me Luc kept trying and trying with her. Yes, at first more for his pride and to teach
her a lesson, but still he would send the olive branch and she would reject it.
Time after time!
I was at my limit when FINALLY the ice begins to thaw. Their sparks turn into a romance where they
begin to understand the needs and wants of the other, finding the love and
affection they both have so desperately craved. This is the point where the
story completely turned around going from frustrating to utterly blissful! I love that both Luc and Summer found it so easy
and immensely fulfilling to make the other happy. My heart filled to bursting reading the
epilogue which was sheer perfection!
I was also thrilled to catch up with Sylvain and Cade and
Dominique and Jaime, my favorite couples of the series so far who pop in and
out of the story.
While the latter portion of The Chocolate Heart was a solid
touchdown for me I can’t forget the torture of the first 60% of the book which
greatly affects my overall rating. The first
60% is no more than 2 stars while the final 35-40% felt like a 5 star read for
me bringing my overall rating to around 3 stars. In spite of my issues with
this installment I plan on going back and reading The
Chocolate Kiss (book 2) and The
Chocolate Rose (book 3). Laura
Florand’s beautiful prose and mesmerizing romances hold an attraction that I
can’t resist.
Oh, shame you didn't enjoy this as much as the other books in the series. I find it very frustrating when there's a lot of miscommunication between characters too so I can see how this would really affect your enjoyment of the story. Thanks for the review :)
I agree that the beginning of this novel was incredibly frustrating. The Chocolate Rose contains more of that agonizing beginning with both characters being too stubborn to get together, but I still can't help but enjoy these novels. Lovely review, Rachel!(:
Romances where things could be solved if people just sat down and talked to one another rather than assuming or miscommunicating drive me insane!
It's always difficult when the first half of a book makes you truly work for the second half! I think that I would probably have lost interest if it was so hot and cold and rife with miscommunications, but I'm so glad to see that the ending worked for you at least! Great review, Rachel :)
That's such a shame that the first half of the book is frustrating. The constant back and forth would undoubtedly bother me as well, Rachel and I would probably give up.
I would have wanted to give this one a shot just based on the fact that there's food and romance, but I think I'll try something else in this series.
I'm glad that you enjoyed it better afterwards though, Rachel.
Lovely review. :)
Aw, I'm sorry that more than half of the book was so crappy :\ but glad you enjoyed the last part; that is good :) Thank you for sharing your great review. <3
I'm always frustrated by stories built around miscommunication and misunderstanding too. Sorry you didn't enjoy this installment of the series as much, Rachel!
I don't like romances that have so many misunderstandings and stuff. Such a shame that this was was not as good as the other ones!
Brilliant review, Rach! <33
I'm sorry it wasnt all that you were expecting. I love the introduction sentence lols. I have a sweet tooth so I'm sure I'd be pleased with the food part lol. I'm a bit tired of the back and forth romance though, so if I want to give this one a try, I'll have to wait for the right mood. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy it nevertheless :) lovely review, my friend!
Too bad it didn't work well for you. I agree that their lack of communication in the first half of the story was frustrating, but for me the rest compensated it. It was a 5-star read for me :)
I love anything chocolate so I should definitely check out the chocolate series by Laura Florand. Its sad that you didn't enjoy this as much but I guess the other books in the series are much better. Thanks for sharing, Rachel!
Janhvi @ The Readdicts
These books are completely new to me. I'm glad you hung in there to get to the point where the book picked up but it's too bad it took so long. I should check out the earlier books. :)
Oh no Rachel. Miscommunications are sometimes the near death of me when reading. I get so frustrated with them. I don't mind a minor miscommunication that gets fixed rather quickly, but over half the book with the back and forth? No thank you. I've heard such great things about the other books in the series, I'll definitely be starting with those!
I haven't read this series, but it sounds so cute! When I get to this one, I'll have to remind myself of your review that it DOES get better because I think I'd be at my wit's end with the beginning from what you described. Frustration and stress...I already have enough of that in reality ;) Great review!
After Keertana's amazing reviews for this series it's hard not to be interested. I mean Paris and chocolate. Just add books and heaven is there. I'm so sorry you didn't enjoy this one as much as the first book. But I'm happy it pleased you at the end. Great review, Rachel :)
I'm totally enjoying this series in spite of some of my issues with this installment, Keertana. I'm totally addicted! This did end on an extremely high note so I was happy when I got to the end. And thanks! :)
This did end on an incredibly high note. The epilogue was so amazing! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this more than me, Ellie. I'm still thoroughly addicted to this series and I plan on reading every installment! :)
I think you'll LOVE the other books in this series, Jenny! The Chocolate Touch is my favorite with Dom and Jaime's story being utter perfection to me! :)
Paris, chocolate and romance is totally my idea of heaven, Tanja! The Chocolate Touch, the previous book, was near perfection to me. This was enjoyable too by the end. :)
Rachel, just how many books are there? Your reviews of this series is so enticing!
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