Hello readers! On this past Wednesday June 4th, I was lucky enough to attend an author event for Richelle Mead, one of my all-time favorite authors. She's a favorite for countless readers, as well, so this was a packed event held at the Santa Monica, California Barnes & Noble. I had just finished reading Gameboard of the Gods (my review) a few days before this event so I was really excited to see her and ask her a few things about this exciting Adult series, the Bloodlines series, and the Vampire Academy movie!!
Gameboard of the Gods: To begin things Richelle talked about Gameboard of the Gods. She described what the book was about, and where the idea came from. Here are some interesting tidbits: The idea for Gameboard came to her in while in graduate school. She wondered if a world took religion away from the masses, would they gravitate back to it? Richelle thinks people have a spiritual nature whether they practice religion or not.
Justin (the main male character) was based on a guy she knew in college. He was a lot of fun, total party boy, and she was always astounded by how much he could drink. Something she didn't think much of back then, but when Richelle looks back now she thinks how very unsafe it was. Yet, he'd show up the next day in class and was just mind-blowingly brilliant! Like Justin, he was a ladies man. Yes, that's meant to be plural! She lost track of him, but I'll bet he eventually hears that he inspired this character. Don't you?
Mae's personality quirk of keeping all emotions tightly locked up was inspired by Richelle. She
grew up in a family of volatile and big personalities, so her way to cope was to hold things in and be the opposite of volatile.
The story is like her Sci-Fi reads from growing up. You're dropped into the world without being taken by the hand and having everything explained step by step. Richelle said hang in there for the ride because everything will eventually come together and make sense.
There will be 12 months between releases, because the plot is more difficult, than her other books. She's not certain how many books will be in the series yet, but she knows how it will end. She's not yet sure how long it will take to tell the story. She might know after the next book.
Vampire Academy Movie:
Richelle was very excited to talk about the movie is very happy with cast choices, script, director and screenwriter. She said the director emailed her some of the scene with Christian and Lissa in the attic, and she was very emotional. Richelle said what they came up with was so beautiful and better than her own imagination! I don't know about you but I can't wait until its releases!!
Fiery Heart: Bloodlines #4:

Dr. Who Episode:
Richelle wrote an episode for the much loved and well established Dr. Who series, which should be out in e-book form at the end of this month. Click HERE for more info. It's for the sixth Dr. and it's Peri's POV, which is her favorite character. She said that it was a little intimidating because BBC went over it with a fine toothed comb. Details must not conflict with the known Dr. Who universe.
As usual when I go to these events, I like to bring
back something for our readers. So I have a SIGNED hardcopy of Gameboard
of the Gods to giveaway. The giveaway is INTERNATIONAL. Just fill out the
rafflecopter below for a chance to win. Good luck and thanks for visiting The
Readers Den!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway! I can't wait to read The Fiery Heart now! Though I'm also scared to read it too. My favourite Richelle Mead book is between Shadow Kiss and Bloodlines. But really . . . I love them all! Hehe.
To be honest, I haven't tried her book although I've been pushed by some friends to read Vampire Academy. Hopefully, my first time will wow me.
Great post, Rachel! It was so awesome learning about Richelle's inspiration for her new series and that Justin is based on someone she knows xD And I'm sooo excited for the VA movie! Aand thanks a ton for the international giveaway! My fave Richelle Mead book is the second VA series where (correct me if I'm wrong, my memory is kinda fuzzy) we first meet Adrian and my heart melted :D
Oh thanks you so much for all the info. I'm dying to read the next book in Bloodlines series! :) I enjoyed The Indigo Spell. About my fave..I believe that it'll always be VA :)
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I am hoping to finally start on Vampire Academy!
I'm new to Richelle Mead's works. Where would you suggest I begin?
I am so jealous, I can't even.. haha. No actually I'm so glad that you got to be a part of this event Rachel and it's truly amazeballs that you shared this experience with us. Richelle is one of my absolute favorite authors and I just adore her writing. My favorite book by her is Shadow Kiss and you obviously know why, but I love all of her books so much. I've re-read VA about 5 times already and they get better with every time. Thanks for sharing hon!
I loved the Vampire Academy Series-Can't wait for the movie! Thanks for sharing this,Rachel. :)
my fave is vampire academy series..
thx u for the giveaway :)
I honestly can't pick- I love them all! :) Thanks for the recap- it made me more excited to read Gameboard of the Gods- though I'm not too excited about the 12 month wait!
Gah! I can't wait for the hotness that is The Fiery Heart! XD
The Bloodlines series is my fave. Can't get enough of Sydrian! <3
Thank you for the giveaway!
All her books are great hard to pick just one. thanks for the giveaway
I actually haven't read any of her books yet. I can't ever seem to get my hands on a copy. :(
My favorite is the Vampire Academy!
I love all of the books in the Vampire Academy series-can't pick just one!
I think I have to say Vampire Academy ... It brought me to Richelle!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Whole Vampire Academy series is my favorite, really hard to choose just one. Excited to read this one. Thanks for a giveaway! :)
I actually haven't read them yet. I hear they are all good, tho!
I have loved the whole Vampire Academy series since I read it the first time! I can't wait to start reading 'Gameboard of the Games'!!
Another great event for you! I'm so happy to get a tidbit from the Vampire Academy movie. Thanks for the fun post , Rachel!
Vampire Academy.
I love Vampire Academy, but I'm not finished with the series yet.
Thanks for the recap! I'm now nervous about what Adrian and Sydney would possibly face in The Fiery Heart. Hopefully it's heartwrenchingly good.
Thanks for the fun post and giveaway! I loved the Iron Swan series that she did. Haven't read her YA yet but they are on my wishlist ;)
I've read all the Vampire Academy series and all but the last Bloodlines and I really enjoyed all of them. If I have to pick a favorite, I would say the first in both series. While Sydney was introduced in the VA series, you get to know her much more in Bloodlines. My favorite is always the first in any series. It is the book that introduces me to the characters I end up caring so much about.
Awesome event recap! My favourite books are the Vampire Academy books. I've only read one Bloodlines book (need to catch up!) and Gameboard of the Gods is on my wish list. Thanks for the great event recap and awesome giveaway!
Vampire Academy.
I don't know if I'll actually read Fiery Heart. I haven't finished The Indigo Spell yet because I really don't like Sydney.
DID YOU SAY DOCTOR WHO? ;) I had no idea Mead wrote an episode, but I'll be sure to check it out! Also, wonderfully thorough re-cap post! I can't wait to try out this series! :)
i actually havent read any of her books yet.. I think i have maybe the 1st book in the vampire academy series. Its in my to be read pile. thanks for the giveaway!!
I have to admit I'm a Richelle Mead virgin, but I am more than willing to remedy that! :P And she wrote an episode of Doctor Who? Even the more reason to check her out!! :D Many thanks for the awesome giveaway! b (*o*) d
I really love her VA series– I'm only on book 2, but it's SO good so far! Thanks for the amazing giveaway and so lucky you got to meet her!!! :D
i've read all of her books. i just found out about this one a couple of days ago and immediately put it on my to read list. really looking forward to reading this, it sounds good :)
I LOVE heer VA series! Every single one of them was pretty amazing.
I'd probably choose Bloodlines! Thanks!
I really love her Vampire Academy Series but I have yet to try any of her other series, but I really want to read her adult ones. I own Storm Born but I'll likely start her Georgina Kincaid first. Anyways! Gameboard of the Gods really sounds great and it's been getting great reviews. Will definitely be checking this one out. Thanks for offering this giveaway, too awesome. :D
Christina K. in the rafflecopter
Definitely Bloodlines!!
Thank you:)
So far, probably The Indigo Spell because I love Sydrian :D
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love that she was so open about worldbuilding, and it's kind of comforting that she approached it with the sink or swim attitude on purpose. It's my favorite kind, actually, and I loved it here.
Also, I'm kind of terrified of reading The Fiery Heart. The Shadow Kiss really destroyed me, and if this is the equivalent, it's best to run and hide.
Thanks for the post, Rachel!
My favorite Richelle Mead book is Indigo Spell. I was swooning over Adrian. OMG!!
I've only read her Vampire Academy series and I loved it! Thank you for the international giveaway :)
Richelle Mead is One of my favourite authors and that is only from the VA series! I haven't read Bloodlines yet and I know its meant to be just as blood, I just don't want to ruin the image of Dimitri, haha! Lovely recap, I'm do jealous Rachel you get to go to these events! We hardly have any in the UK! Thanks for the giveaway! :)
Such a pretty lady, and nice too :) good for you meeting her.
I love the whole VA series and the Bloodlines series!
Fantastic books :)
Succubus on Top (Georgina Kincaid 2.)
It so funny.. I like Seth Mortensen more than Adrian.
I haven't read any Richelle Mead books before but this looks like the perfect one to start with!
Every single book in the Vampire Academy series! Particularly Frost Bite book where the story heat things up.
So exciting! I love Richelle Mead!! :)
A tie between Shadow Kiss and Indigo Spell.
You're so lucky to meet her.Thanks a lot for the giveaway.
The Golden Lily :)
I confess that I haven't actually read any of her books, but she's an author that I do keep meaning to read. I've heard some good things about the books that she writes, and I'd love to be able to give her a try.
Vampire Academy, book one. :)
I can't choose! I loved all the Vampire Academy and Bloodlines books!
Richelle Mead is one of my favourite authors! My favourite book is either Shadow Kiss or Last Sacrifice. You have the best giveaways and get to go to some amazing events Rachel! Nothing like this ever happens where I live so I love reading these posts!
I really liked both her Vampire Diaries and Regina Kincaid books. Picking a favorite though is not something I am good at.
I don't know if I can pick a favorite, because I've loved every word Richelle Mead has written! Vampire Academy was great, but I really like the Bloodlines series, too. And I really loved the Succubus books--Georgina is awesome!
I haven't read any of her books yet. That's why I'm joining this giveaway. Thanks! :D
Thanks for keeping this international. I have read Mead's Vampire Academy and all the books in the Bloodlines series till now.... all of them are favorite but the most recent of the lot THE INDIGO SPELL, i just finished it yesterday and its my current favorite
So far, The Indigo Spell! :D
Def any book in the VA series! :D
Mary G Loki
Ahhh I can't choose, but my favorite book is definitely a book in the VA series!
The Blood Promise.....-Sofia T.
I've begun reading here Vampire Academy series. So far, it's the only book of hers I've read :)
Vampire Academy is my favorite but I Love all her books
I haven't read any of her books yet, but I can't wait for this one. I like mythology :)
I still love Vampire Academy haha but I haven't read any of her other series :)
All the Vampire Academy series
That would be the books of Georgina Kincaid series and Indigo spell.
The Golden Lily!
So far, Bloodlines as I need to catch up with the rest of that series. :D
The Indigo Spell because in that book, Adrian and Sydney finally become a couple :D
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