Publisher: Papoti Books & now Atria Books
Publication date: December 11th 2012
My rating: 4.5 stars

Kacey Cleary’s whole life imploded four years ago in a drunk-driving accident. Now she’s working hard to bury the pieces left behind—all but one. Her little sister, Livie. Kacey can swallow the constant disapproval from her born-again aunt Darla over her self-destructive lifestyle; she can stop herself from going kick-boxer crazy on Uncle Raymond when he loses the girls’ college funds at a blackjack table. She just needs to keep it together until Livie is no longer a minor, and then they can get the hell out of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
But when Uncle Raymond slides into bed next to Livie one night, Kacey decides it’s time to run. Armed with two bus tickets and dreams of living near the coast, Kacey and Livie start their new lives in a Miami apartment complex, complete with a grumpy landlord, a pervert upstairs, and a neighbor with a stage name perfectly matched to her chosen “profession.” But Kacey’s not worried. She can handle all of them. What she can’t handle is Trent Emerson in apartment 1D.
Kacey doesn’t want to feel. She doesn’t. It’s safer that way. For everyone. But sexy Trent finds a way into her numb heart, reigniting her ability to love again. She starts to believe that maybe she can leave the past where it belongs and start over. Maybe she’s not beyond repair.
But Kacey isn’t the only one who’s broken. Seemingly perfect Trent has an unforgiveable past of his own; one that, when discovered, will shatter Kacey’s newly constructed life and send her back into suffocating darkness.
Ten Tiny Breaths was more than just your average New Adult
read to me. It was about survival, healing, and moving on. Add a very sweet romance full of build-up and
longing, and you have the makings of a perfect read for me!
Kacey and Livie have fled Michigan for Florida taking a long
bus ride away from their aunt and uncle, their guardians after their uncle
makes a play for fifteen year old Livie (pervert!).
Kacey and Livie were in their care after a drunk driver killed their
parents, Kacey’s boy friend, and best friend in one fell swoop. This accident
had Kacey in the hospital enduring months of rehab and surgery after her side
was shattered. Her body is now only held
together with pins, metal, plates, and a bad attitude. It’s taken four years
but now she has the body of a fighter and working out is one of the only ways Kacey
channels the intense rage and anger she feels for the drunk driver.
Apparently Kacey isn’t the only one fleeing their past. Trent has just moved into the same apartment
complex, and when Kacey meets him she’s drawn in immediately by his good looks
but also from his intensity. He looks at
Kacey like he’s sees her underneath her cool and calm façade.
Like I said before Ten Tiny Breaths felt a little different
from the usual New Adult. Don’t get me
wrong, the romance was a major part of this read which for me that’s a plus because
I’m all about romance in my reads.
However, that was not all that made this story special to me. The new friends Kacey makes at her apartment
were very much part of the story and I just adored them. Storm, the blond bombshell/stripper who helps
Kacey and her sister Livie out, was like a long lost older sister to these
girls, and I loved how they basically formed a new family unit.
Kacey was an easy protagonist to relate to and like. She was never whining about her lot in life, she was always just trying to get by and make the best of things for her and Livie. Trent has his own demons that you have suspicion about very early on. At least I did. When everything is finally revealed I have to say my heart went out to him more than anyone else. Everything Trent and his family went through brought tears to my eyes. The romance between Kacey and him was a slow burn and there were many swoony moments I savored, but more than anything else I just loved the tenderness and care Trent showed to Kacey:
Trent squeezes me close to him. “I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. Give me heart, Kacey.
I’ll take everything that comes with it.”
This story shows how a tragedy can affect so many people, on
so many levels. The power of forgiveness
in healing, and putting yourself in other people shoes was also an important
part of this story. I appreciated how
the author showed that turning your thoughts completely inward is really counterproductive
to moving on and being mentally healthy.
I’ve had Ten Tiny Breaths sitting in my Kindle for ages and I’m
glad I finally opened it up! The author
is coming out with another book in this world: One Tiny Lie
on June 11th , which will center on Livie, the younger sister. I can’t wait to pick that up. Very soon now!
oh wow, first of all, the uncle is disgusting! However the synopsis had me intrigued and your review too! I love that what made this book great for you wasn't just the romance. Sometimes it feels that NA novels' only major plot is the romance so this seems like a great change. I am definitely adding this to my tbr now!
- Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf
I'm so happy you enjoyed this, Rachel. I loved the way Tucker used the stages of grief to move the plot forward, lovely review !
I'm so glad to hear this one is a lot different from the usual NA fare. I've been feeling that a lot of NA reads are very samey and I haven't really been enjoying them lately because of that. I might check this one out!
I've been steering clear of Ten Tiny Breaths because, yes, I thought that it was just like any other NA book- but you proved me otherwise. My love for NA books has been going down as of late because of the uniformity of the books I've been reading, and this sounds like the perfect remedy.
- Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories
I am so glad you enjoyed this one! I absolutely loved this story! Great review!
Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives
I'm so glad you enjoyed this one! I haven't been in the mood for New Adult, so though this is on my Kindle, I avoided it a bit. Still, maybe I'll give it a go soon. Great review, dear! :)
I like that this sounds a little different to most new adult reads. It might even be more like something I might enjoy. Lovely review, Rachel! I was actually gifted a copy of this a while back and have had it sitting in my ereader for months now. I guess I need to get to it eventually! Also, in case you missed it and were interested, One Tiny Lie is up on Edelweiss now. :)
Wow! I think I'll be so annoyed with her aunt and uncle in the beginning (ewww, that horrible man) and this book sounds so great. I STILL haven't read any NA and I really like the sound of this one because it focuses on family more. I need to read this one. Great review, Rachel, you may have started me on NA ;)
Sunny @ Blue Sky Bookshelf
This one sounds lovely! Kacey sounds like a fantastic protagonist. I'm happy to hear she doesn't throw herself pity parties. I already like her. ;) And Trent sounds like a sweetheart. thanks for the great review, Rachel! :)
I've read this one a while ago and if I remember right it was some kind of instalove or this girl was dreaming about the guy after few minutes. I can't remember (gah why didn't I write a review?) Anyhow you liked this one more than me. I'm happy to see that. Great review Rachel :)
I've been curious about this one for a while Rachel, so I'm glad to see you enjoyed it. I'm all about the romance in my reads too so glad to hear there's a lot of it, but I also like the sound of the relationship between the girls and Storm. Wonderful review Rachel :)
I LOVE that quote, girl! I liked this book a lot as well and Trent is my HEROOOO!!! ;) I didn't connect with Kacey that much, but the romance build up was fantastic and all that tension! Uh-uh :)I agree that Storm and Livvie were fantastic and yay!! I can't wait for One Tiny Lie either. Lovely review, hon!
Survival, healing and moving on sounds great to me, I need to pick this one up.
Sniffs. Sounds like an amazing book! I need to check it out more :) Great review sweetie. <3 The characters just sounds amazing. And it seems like such a sweet romance :D Thank you for sharing :)
So glad you liked this, Rachel! For myself, this is one of my favorite 2013 reads, and I get super excited when I find others who enjoyed it. I totally loved Kasey as a protagonist, and I appreciated how this wasn't just romance-only (not that there's anything wrong with it, though).
I love the way this book sounds. I have it on my Kindle but haven't read it yet. I've been hearing mixed reviews, but hearing that it's more than your typical New Adult makes me feel a lot better. I love stories about healing. Great review :)
This sounds like a really intense read. I've seen a wide range of reviews on this one, but your 4.5 stars means I'm much more open to giving it a chance. :)
Wendy @ The Midnight Garden
I loved ten tiny breaths and I can't wait to read this one! Ash sounds like I'm gonna love him and want to kick his shin at the same time. I usually love those kinda guys.
Marlene Detierro (Paydirt in Alaska)
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